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10 Best Anthropology Blogs!

December 28, 2011

I’d like to Apologize…

I’ve been lame in posting. For a while there I was going strong, but something else happened in my life that has been occupying my time…I started managing the No More Deaths website. Not the official one for Tucson, cause that’s waaaaay above my paygrade. But I built a new site specifically for the Phoenix No More Deaths chapter. You can take a look at it here:

I like it, and it’s definitely still a work in progress.

Check it out

Anyway! This came to my attention:

The Anthropology Report is trying to put together a top-ten list of the best anthropology blogs. And mine is on the list! I’m not sure how, but apparently people have seen it! So the plan is for everyone to vote on their top picks, and they’ll rank all of them. Hopefully mine will be on there, but there are like a hundred applicants.

Vote for me HERE

So in the spirit of academic cooperation, here are my Top 9 (cause mine is first, duh) in no particular order:


Blog of The Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN), formerly known as the Council on Nutritional Anthropology (CNA), organized in 1974 in response to the increased interest in the interface between social sciences and human nutrition.


These pages are all about the murky crossroads of marketing, development, intellectual property and advocacy. Blog by Boris Popović: “I look for stories of unusual suspects, i.e. poor people, earning income with specialty products, heritage, traditional knowledge, ideas, uniqueness & similar. Stuff often referred to as intangibles…”

Cyber Anthropology

Anthropology of gaming, blogging, social networking, online communities and so much more! Diana Harrelson writes on cyber anthropology, human computer interaction, user experience design, gaming and various other topics.

Zero Anthropology

At its most basic level, ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY is about anthropology after empire, that is to say an anthropology that emerges from the decline of European and North American geopolitical hegemony, that crosses the zero line demarcating the point at which that hegemony nears complete collapse.

Fieldnotes & Footnotes

Bree Blakeman, PhD student of Anthropology in Australia. This site is primarily a documentation of the process of writing a dissertation–of the thoughts and musings one has along the way. It is a way to acknowledge and celebrate the social nature of knowledge production within the academy–and to make Indigenous issues and intercultural relations a part of public conversation.

AAA – American Anthropological Association Blog

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) has created this blog as a service to our members and the general public. It is a forum to discuss topics of debate in anthropology and a space for public commentary on association policies, publications and advocacy

American Ethnography Quasimonthly

American Ethnography is a stranger in a 1972 Riviera, sunburst yellow banged up and dirty, raving coffee madness cruising Main Street of the quiet desert town at 15 miles an hour…”

Ancient Bodies, Ancient Lives

How can we use material traces of past lives to understand sex and gender in the past? Rosemary Joyce is a professor of anthropology at UC Berkeley and an archeologist who has conducted fieldwork in Honduras since 1977, starting as an undergraduate. Original interests in settlement patterns and cultural identity in what has long been called the “frontier” of Mesoamerica led to household archaeology, theories of material symbolism, and eventually to questions about how gender, sex, and other intersecting dimensions of identity such as race, ethnicity, class, and age are materialized.

Society for Visual Anthropology

Blog for The Society for Visual Anthropology (SVA), a section of the American Anthropological Association. We promote the study of visual representation and media. Both research methods and teaching strategies fall within the scope of the society. SVA members are involved in all aspects of production, dissemination, and analysis of visual forms. Works in film, video, photography, and computer-based multimedia explore signification, perception, and communication-in-context, as well as a multitude of other anthropological and ethnographic themes.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. December 29, 2011 4:22 am

    No More Deaths link is broken…

    Congratulations! This osrt of this is great for connecting readers and writers. Other than this list and the one on the Anthropology Report site, where do you recommend the unconnected begin their search for anthro-related info? Any plans to do a feature on news/idea sources relevant to your blog?

  2. Julia permalink
    November 15, 2013 2:07 pm

    Another interesting anthropology blog exploring the intersection of psychological anthropology with ethnographic film is

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